Tuesday 28 August 2018

4 Important Safety Tips for Cherry Picker to Avoid Injuries

A cherry picker is crucial when you want to accomplish a task which is at a height. In such scenarios, safety is an important issue as the jobs are carried out above the ground level. Working at a height can be dangerous as it involves the chance of injuries. One of the greatest reasons for injury and even death is falling down while working. However, with the correct Cherry Picker Training, this risk gets reduced.

One of the most important elements of working at a height is choosing the right kind of equipment and cherry picker is one of the safest options. But, without proper training they can be dangerous as well, so below written are necessary steps that need to be carried out before anyone starts working.

Cherry Picker Training

#1 – Always check low and high

Before you start working as a cherry picker, the space above your head and the ground must be carefully checked. It is advisable to keep the ground level as it is not suitable on an uneven ground as the added weight can cause workers to tip over. Also, one must be aware of ceiling or wires overhead as it is one of the main factors of causing injuries.

#2 – Stop acting like a hero

Working on a platform offers a sense of false security that result in leaning too far. But the whole aim of using a cherry picker is that you can move it from one place to another so that one doesn’t have to lean over. You might feel you are saving some moments, but it could be a bad decision. Stay within the parameters of the platform to be safe.

#3 Full risk assessments must be done

One of the most overlooked factors of the cherry picker is its risk assessment for the humans. Cherry picker is a fun thing for most to watch, but trying to distract workers standing on the platform can be risky. So, to prevent accidents caused by others, it is best to remove excess people from the job site.

#4 Training

The person accessing the cherry picker must be familiar with the equipment, else it is pointless. Working at a height is not the same as working on a moving platform, so proper training must be given to staff to keep them up-to-date with all the safety requirements.